About Us

The year was 2020, the world was crazy and full of uncertainties. One night Callie Burnette was thinking about opening an online boutique (which she had silently dreamed of off and on for many years) when her husband Matthew, out of the blue, said “Why don’t you open an online boutique”. Ever since then Love, Magnolia just made sense. And instead of wishing for 2020 to be over, Callie decided to embrace the unpredictable and turn 2020 into the year she became a business owner: To stop thinking about her dreams and to FINALLY fulfill them!

Love, Magnolia is for women all over looking for a wardrobe that will fit comfortably, looking fashionable, and not having to worry about any wardrobe malfunctions while doing so. 

Callie believes that a little kindness can go a long way. Callie wants your experiences with Love, Magnolia to feel like a warm welcome with a genuine smile and conversation, help you find exactly what you are looking for to make you feel your best!

Callie is not only a business owner but she is also a wife, mom of two, and a full-time worker! She loves to be busy and needed Love, Magnolia to help fill her creative void. 

So welcome to Love, Magnolia! We are so happy you are here. Look around and let us know how we can help you!